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Whether you’re looking for a plumber to fix a leaky tap, an electrician to re-wire some lights or a builder to construct your perfect dream home, TradeClique will connect you with a Tradie that your friends know or recommend.
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The best recommendation is one from a friend. See which tradies your friends have used & who they recommend to do a high quality job at the right price.
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A big, big Selection
Over 100,000+ business listings across more than 100 Categories including Home improvements, maintenance & renovations, Outdoor & garden, materials & product suppliers.
How TradeClique works
1. Search
Tell us what you need done - tap straight through to popular categories or search by category, business name or problem.
2. Personalised results
Enjoy personalised search results ranked by how many of your friends know or recommend each business.
3. Tap and view
Tap a business profile to see a detailed view of what services they provide, licenses, pics of previous jobs and who’s in their network.
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With over 100,000+ business listings, you can now have personalised search results that continually evolve as you and your friends find tradie’s you can trust.